
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Chronicles of Ubuntu 2022!

How it started Talk about an adventure of a life time…6:00am Sunday morning and the alarm goes off. Meet up point for my local NK is Quickmart Rongai at 6:30am. My body is not cooperating. Still feeling tired from a weekend of poor sleep and arrival from Busia the previous night. I pull myself into the shower and get ready regardless. It takes me longer than normal. At 7:30 I am ready to leave, geared up and traveling light. Off I go to Shell Sabaki, the meeting point for the larger Ubuntu ride as my local party had already left. I arrive a few minutes past 8 and it’s a wash with 2-wheel sweetness. Bikes of all shapes and sizes represented, the biking community in full display…not to forget the pillions😉. Shell Sabaki   The Rebels Assemble We set off to Machakos Peoples Park for breakfast where another display of the growing biking community is on display. As we have breakfast with Dan, Mutua, David and Jose we hatch a plan to do an adjusted route. I loop House into the ...